What is System Travel?

System Travel is the act of a headmate traveling to another system.Could be another system in their own collective, or it could be to another plural body's system. How could that be possible? Read more and let's talk about it.( Pluralpedia Definition: System travel is when a headmate is able to disappear from their original system and appear in a new one. It can be either temporary or permanent )

How is System Travel possible?

Well let's correct one thought, it's not always as literal as it sounds, depends on the plural folk and their beliefs/methods but it is what we say it is either way, and in this carrd we'll be focusing on the action of traveling to another plural body's headspace.By cooperation and often needed concentration, visualization, communication or even narration, or other methods, people can manifest themself in someone else's system, often their headspace/mindspace to be specific, which is what we're focusing on here.Headmates can make themselves manifest into other's headspaces, suddenly or not based on methods on how it's done or happens.How it's done or happens depends on preference and beliefs, so it varies.System Travel can be done by many methods including but probably not limited to the following.Astral Projection: Astral projection is an out-of-body experience where the soul leaves the physical body and travels in the astral plane.Bridging: Creating a portal in one's headspace which brings you to another plural body's headspace.Narrating: Back and forth communication on what's going on while in another's headspace, which can appear as roleplay or some form of "collab daydreaming" but isn't, as the actions taken if done correctly leave permanent effects on the system and everyone else involved.Visualization: Visualizing the visit in your head to yourself, which would sound like daydreaming but again leaves permanent and real effects on everyone who's involved.It can be only one of these methods or a mix of all or several.Some systems have a more metaphysical interpretation of it while others may have a more communication based one, while some might take it super literally, in a way they physically leave the body and go into the persons' head.
Some don't understand the more literal concept, but just because you don't understand it doesn't mean you should fakeclaim, reality check or bully. Or judge all system travelers to be fake just because you don't understand one of the perceived/believed ways of it.
System Travel no matter what though to be done correctly we think/in our opinion/in our own often if not always non-consensual experiences requires communication and consent, plus cooperation in order to be done properly for both sides.How is it possible? Well, the human brain, beings, plurality, the universe in general really is a very complicated and complex thing.
So much is unknown, and not everything makes sense.
Even science is always changing.
Like said, it basically depends on one's beliefs and how they work/do it, but it isn't easy to explain all in general when grouped together for one being to explain, but to call it fake would invalidate and fakeclaim countless beings experiences with it. Truth is you're not the person, or in their head, or experienced whatever they did, so you cannot truly know if they successfully System Traveled or not. If someone claims they did so and says it genuinely happened in theirs or someone else's headspace, that it caused permanent effects, headmate(s) remember it, etc then it simply happened. You have no proof it didn't, it isn't even a harmful belief in itself for someone to have in the first place, and it isn't your place to say it isn't real, neither is to reality check, or anything along those lines. Neither is it okay to bully anyone's genuine beliefs or reality check them when it's completely unneeded and unasked for. They aren't hurting themselves or anyone else, so leave them be.
Fakeclaiming, invalidation, unneeded/unasked for reality checking can be traumatizing.
Let people do and believe what they please as long as it isn't harmful, that should be common sense.

Is it an abuse tactic?

After reading the definition of it, does it sound like one?
Even if you thought it was fake or not real, even then it still wouldn't inherently be abuse in itself-
So it doesn't really make sense on why some beings think this!
Someone could abuse System Travel, and or abuse someone by System Traveling, use it as a tactic.
But someone could abuse someone by using love, real or fake to their advantage, but we can all agree that love in itself isn't abusive, of course, but can be used as an abuse tactic, or taken advantage of.
Well the same applies to System Travel! System Travel is System Travel, period. It's definition is to travel to another system, and never will it be defined by how any bad apples who sadly come across it, use it.
And saying it is a mere abuse tactic totally ignores every single person who partakes in healthy System Travel.
Several beings love System Travel and it has personally improved their own quality of life.
If afraid of any possible dangers of System Travel please check out the System Sailors blog dedicated to System Travel or the Introduction to System Travel!
And if afraid of specifically problematic plural folk to avoid when System Traveling please check out the link below this paragraph, talking about red flags in System Travel.

And of course as much as there is red flags there are green flags as well! Provided in the link below:

How to System Travel

Check out "System Sailors" link below the resources section or just click the link right below this text here to jump straight to their section speaking on how to partake in System Travel using the mentioned methods!Us having explained what the methods are though should be pretty helpful in itself though!


Carrd inspired by "System Travel: An Introduction"Featuring a flag for those who partake in System Travel!